Applied Kinesiology – Semiahmoo Wellness Centre
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Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis. AK, a non-invasive system of evaluating body function that is unique in the healing arts, has become a dynamic movement in health care in its relatively short existence.

The combined terms “applied”, and “kinesiology” describe the basis of this system, which is the use of manual muscle testing to evaluate body function through the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system. Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, counseling skills, evaluating environmental irritants and various reflex procedures.

AK uses muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a person’s body is functioning. When properly applied, the outcome of this testing can assist in determining the best form of therapy for the patient.

Procedures are administered to achieve the following examination and therapeutic goals:

Provide an interactive assessment of the functional health status of an individual which is not equipment intensive but does emphasize the importance of correlating findings with standard diagnostic procedures.

  • Restore postural balance, correct gait impairment, improve range of motion.
  • Restore normal afforestation to achieve proper neurological control and/or organization of body function.
  • Achieve homeostasis of endocrine, immune, digestive, and other visceral functions.
  • Intervene earlier in degenerative processes to prevent or delay the onset of frank pathological processes.

AK testing (along with other standard diagnostic tests) is a great tool to provide us with instant feedback. It is a discipline which draws together the core elements of many complimentary therapies. This provides the interdisciplinary approach to healthcare we take pride in delivering to our patients at Semiahmoo Wellness Center.

Call today to set up an appointment for a thorough evaluation today at 604-535-4003.